JAV's INXS Picture Index
Over the course of the Elegantly Wasted and Just For Kicks INXS US tours, I've had the opportunity to catch INXS at several locations and take lots of photos with both my digital and conventional cameras.
All photos are copyright 1997-2002 John A. Vink.
- JAV hanging out with INXS
- Sacramento show, May 29, 2002
- Anaheim show, May 30, 2002
- San Diego show, May 31, 2002
- Saratoga show, June 7, 2002
- Kelseyville show, June 8, 2002
- West Los Angeles Rhino acoustic show, June 19, 2001
- Selected pictures of Michael Hutchence I've taken over the last 6 months. (doesn't include pictures from September 26 Toronto date - see below)
- Santa Barbara show, July 12, 1997, with my Apple digital camera.
- Santa Barbara show, July 12, 1997, with my conventional camera.
- Searching video shoot, San Francisco, July 20, 1997.
- Toronto show, September 25, 1997, with my Apple digital camera.
- Toronto show, September 26, 1997, with my conventional camera. (last known photos live with Michael Hutchence)
- Read about John's INXS San Francisco Experience.
- Read about John's INXS Toronto Experience.
- Download mp3 files of John singing INXS tunes.
Michael Hutchence passed away in Sydney, Australia, on November 22, 1997. I treasure the moments I was able to spend with the band on their last tour. This is a photo I took of him in his dressing room in San Francisco, July 18, 1997.