INXS, Santa Barbara, July 12, 1997
I went to the INXS Santa Barbara show equipped with a backstage pass, a photo pass, and two cameras. Here are the results from my Apple Quicktake 200 digital camera. Click on any photo to see a larger version.
All photos copyright 1997 John A. Vink.
Go to INXS Photo Index page with photos from San Francisco and Toronto.
The crowds before the show.
The stage before the show. I think The Cunninghams are on stage performing.
The stage.
INXS performing.
INXS performing.
INXS performing.
INXS performing.
INXS performing.
INXS performing.
INXS performing.
The crowd goes wild.
This page created using PhotoPage by John A. Vink.